The daughter of Cuban parents, place of birth is Detroit, Michigan. From special interest mostrun girl seeing the beauty and understand the full composition. Marina Pombar accurately reflects the continuing process of metamorphosis to digest each experience, pleasing to the ingenuity and creativity itself, translating forms and feelings, brilliantly amalgamating "unity" as a perfectly designed, unambiguously, on a level of harmony ay precise relationship between each of the parties. There is something poignant about his attempts to show his melancholy representndose as a lonely woman. The majority of carved figures do not look to the viewer. Their partners do not exchange eye contact, all seem to have locked in smismos gesture. All appear to reject the world and find peace within. Examine your work is a task undertaken. Pombar Marina is an artist who will be always giving growth process steps to your imagination. Explore the human body and enters into a sensual world where images insinan the constant movement of his spirit. With a new sense of life, accept the challenge will create a monumental sculpture on behalf of the Humane Association of Missouri to be exhibited in the Memorial Park, on behalf of Carol Gates Throop. The galley Grify Escoda Barcelona, Spain, has decided to promote their work by Merit quality and innate talent. In the year 2000 received on: Prix Italia per l'RTE Vetrina degli Artisti Internizionale Americania Latino Firenze, 2000